
I endeavor to make my therapies affordable, given my level of expertise and effectiveness. If you do a bit of research you'll find lesser therapists charging close or more and asking for tips. Let's keep it reasonable and simple.

Mobile (House Calls)

Area Served: North Scottsdale and Northeast Phoenix

Out of Area: inquire if not too far afield, must commit to receiving therapy at least once each month, additional $20 fee.

New Client: $160 for 80 minutes, including set-up and take-down.

Current Client, Irregular (more than one month between therapies): $140 for 60 minutes, including set-up and take-down.

Current Client, Regular (at least one therapy each month): $120 for 60 minutes, including set-up and take-down.

Additional Current Client, same visit and location: $100 for 60 minutes.

No tipping, moxa included, herbs extra.


$120 for 60 minutes.

In TeleHealth sessions I perform an assessment, counsel you on Base4Health©, and coach you through appropriate self-therapy and/or arrive at a prescription for herbs. Base4Health© is nutrition, exercise, sleep and meditation. The self-therapies include self-acupressure, self-moxibustion and Meridian Stretches. Please text me to get the process started and I will walk you through each step.

Herbal Formulas

$40 for a two-week supply of packets from Honso or $30 for a two-week supply in a bottle from Sun Ten. These are high quality granules manufactured under strict medical manufacturing processes in Japan and Taiwan. Precise diagnosis and safety are my focus.

Cancelation Fee

Please note that there is a cancelation fee of 1/2 the charge for the scheduled therapy when less than 24 hours notice is given.